Friday, June 22, 2012

Saying "Uh..."

Aw! Sorry, but I have to update again.

I'm still here, still trying to get some work done despite this Euro Cup quarter-final game playing next to my head.

It's half-time now, which means they're showing the news – as I mentioned in this post, I'm still floored to be living in a country where it's considered completely normal that this prime-time slot between games should be devoted to the evening news.

And just as cool: Everyone in the café is still paying attention, watching the news and commenting on it. And making fun of some politician (I'm sitting behind the screen, so I can't see who it is) who says "uh..." too much when he talks.

Every time I get really fed up with Germans as a whole, they go and do something awesome like actually care about the news. Or sing adorable German children's songs with their kid in the seat on the back of their bicycle, while waiting at a red light (seen yesterday).

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