They're serious about it, you guys. This is the website of Scotland's train service:
I also heard an announcer on the radio this morning utter precisely these words: “Don’t even think about going out. Seriously. Not good.”
(The announcers have also been using words like "treacherous," and of course that phrase "do not travel.")
All transport in and out is shut down; I haven't even seen any city buses within Edinburgh running all day. People everywhere are struggling to drive their cars out of parking spots or up hills, because they don't have snow tires here (and none of the roads have been cleared). I've seen a lot of people helping each other push cars up hills. Everything is draped in snow, and the wind is so strong that when it comes down, first it blows sideways! A lot of people either couldn't get here for the conference, or got here but now are stuck here.
I feel really, really fortunate that I love snow. (I was walking around today with snow blowing into my face so hard I couldn't see, and still I was just grinning. Because it was winter! Proper, beautiful winter!) And also that I'm perfectly content to be exactly where I am. I definitely do recognize that this is not as nice an experience for most people as it is for me.
But if you'll excuse me, I'm now going to curl up in my nice warm bed in beautiful Edinburgh, and watch the snow swirl down.
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