Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Party Tram, Reprise

Ha! I've always referred to the M10 tram, which runs right past my building, as the "party tram." (See this previous post, which for reasons I can't begin to fathom seems to be one of the all-time most-viewed posts here. Some combination in there of words that people google a lot...?)

So I was tickled to see that even Der Spiegel thinks the same: in this article about a push to ban drinking on trains in Germany (yes, in this country it's quite normal to board the train with a beer in hand, continuing the festivities before or after a party) the author uses the M10 tram in Berlin in the lead paragraph, as his example of a place where partying goes down on weekend nights.


  1. The CalTrain (the commuter rail between San Francisco and San Jose) allows alcoholic beverages at all times except following the San Francisco Giants' baseball games. It's more of a wine crowd, as far as I can tell.

    1. Seriously? Wow, that really seems to go against the whole U.S. no-open-containers thing, but cool. And, California, of course it would be a wine crowd, ha :-)
