Friday, January 13, 2012

Pictures: Senegal, la Première Semaine

Kap and Graham, ready to go, on the train platform in Hamburg. Most of that luggage is gifts for people Kap knows in Senegal:

Ngor beach (sort of in/by Dakar, the capital) and boys playing soccer:

Getting situated in the kitchen of our room in Ngor:

Kap, visiting with her friends Alexa and Mbegane, who now live in D.C. and brought their toddler son back to visit family in Dakar for the first time:

The "secret goat" Kap's friends (where we rented a room the first days) keep in their back courtyard. It's practical to keep a goat for obvious food/money reasons, and apparently it's also practical not to tell people about it:

Caitlin, cooking mafé (peanut sauce) at home in St. Louis:

Game of checkers outside Djoudj, the bird park:

A small, small fraction of the pelicans:

"Mauritania's across the water, but alas I cannot swim":

Dump truck to Touba:

Crowded street in Touba (but it will be much more crowded tomorrow) and the mosque seen from a safe distance back in the crowd:

Lunch with Ibrahima, Caitlin's friend and our host in Touba. Caitlin and Kerry are wearing matching-set Senegalese outfits, because ankle-length skirts are de rigeur in the devout city of Touba, and breakfast is omelette sandwiches inside baguettes. Everything in this country gets put in a baguette sooner or later!

1 comment:

  1. I just got in from a -3°C Berlin evening to your cozy little flat. Seeing your pictures, I can imagine how lovely warm it must be there. You missed over a week of really shitty driving 5°- 6°-rain (winds of 30 to 40 km/hr). This weekend it finally turned cold: that crisp sunny cold that is so welcome to all but the skiers among us. We had HOURS of sun.

    All's well at your flat; it took me over a week to find the trash cans but that's probably due to cold-induced laziness. Still your building gets the award for least obvious trash can hiding place of any place I've stayed in Berlin.

    Enjoy the rest of your time there!
