Monday, June 6, 2011

Friday, or Why Oberlin Is Awesome

How jealous I am that Oberlin – already a pretty fabulous place as it was – has gained such a rockin' new college president in the time since I left. Specifically, a college president willing to star in a music video parody so well-made, it's gone viral on Youtube!

The song is "Friday" by Rebecca Black. I, being both abroad and generally clueless about pop culture, hadn't heard of it, but according to one friend, it's "everyone's favorite thing to hate." If you don't know it, you might want to check out the original video first, just so you get the jokes.

Then to the parody! You will see the following seriously awesome individuals: the college president in the lead lip-synching role, supported by the dean of students, the VP for communications and the director of the alumni association – plus the dean of the conservatory of music in the rap singer cameo.

As one friend (who's not even an Oberlin alum) put it, "This is why you wish you graduated from Oberlin in 2011."

Here it is: the Oberlin College Friday Parody.

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