Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wenn es sein muss

Another odd tidbit:

The other day, I passed a corner shop with the usual array of tabloid newspapers out front and one in particular caught my eye: The B.Z. (a tabloid of the sort where the headlines are in such large font, they take up almost the entirety of the front page) blared with the title:

"Weil das auch mal sein muss: 100 Gute Nachrichten aus Berlin"

The second part is simple and means "100 good news stories from Berlin." I find the first part a little tricky to get across in English, especially because of that slippery particle "mal," but it's along the lines of "Because it's necessary to do this now and then" or "Well, you need to do this sometimes too." So:

"Because It's Necessary Now and Then: 100 Good News Stories from Berlin"

I realize this is meant more in the sense of "it's important to have good news too," but at least to my (non-native) ears the "mal" combined with the word "muss" ("must") somehow made it come off sounding more like, "Oh, fine, we'll print good news if we have to!"

Well, I laughed, anyway.

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