Monday, November 15, 2010

One More Day

Aw. This morning between doing a million and one other things, I zipped over to the nearest pharmacy to get more Dramamine (motion sickness medication is an essential travel item, obviously, if you get motion sick on every single kind of thing that moves) and the woman working there actually remembered me from the last time I was in, also for trip-related things (insect repellent, water purification tablets). This time too, she was warm and conversational and wished me a good trip.

I love when those rare bits of personal connection manage to break through the veneer of disdainful anonymity (I'll pretend you don't exist if you'll please pretend I don't exist) that often marks public life in Berlin. Especially in winter. Especially on the subway. But anyway...

Departure for India: T minus one day and a very small handful of hours!

Right now I'm flattened by a nasty cold, somehow managed to end up with even more work than I expected in these final pre-trip days and haven't had a chance to finish packing. So far, successfully not panicking! And in just over a day I'll be determinedly leaving behind work and anything that in any way resembles it and, for the next three weeks, turning myself over to just experiencing and exploring and being - NOT organizing and stressing and just generally making myself crazy like I do in normal life.

I consider this extremely important.

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