Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Chicken or the Refrigerator, with Pictures

So, again about eggs and how they don't actually need to be refrigerated:

Here's a picture of a carton of eggs (yes, eggs come in 10s instead of dozens. Yes, it's weird. Actually, they come in either 10s or in 6s (as in, half dozens), which is even weirder!) to show the two "good until" dates.

The first part says that, just in general, these eggs are good until December 16; the second part says that starting on December 6, they should be kept refrigerated for the rest of the time:

Also, a bonus shot of the whole every-single-egg-is-stamped thing. First a number saying what kind of production the egg is from (organic, free-range, indoor or caged), then the country code, then an ID number for the specific egg farm:

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Also, I mentioned recently how Germans have this frankly impressive ability to be outdoors – and enjoy being outdoors – in all weather. I went out just now to pick up some lunch from a little restaurant nearby that specializes in soups; I got there to find that despite the fact that the restaurant has indoor seating, there was also a group sitting outside at a table in front of the place.

Folks, it's 3° Celsius (37° Fahrenheit) out there. I think this might be a nation of people who are, on the whole, ever so slightly nuts.

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