(Yes, I got sucked into watching yet another charming short video about one of the mobile libraries in the Outer Hebrides. And you know, just saying that – that my research for an assignment led me to the looking into the mobile libraries of the Outer Hebrides – really drives home that that's not something I would have gotten to learn much about if I'd done library school in Boston or New York, is it?)
If you feel so inclined, and if you want to be seriously impressed by how much a library can do with quite little, check out the Lewis Mobile Library:
Or, for that matter, the Harris Mobile Library:
(There's a wonderful little bit of Gaelic spoken in the Lewis one. And charming shots of schoolkids filing into the library van to check out books in the Harris one. Some of the roads the van is traveling in that Lewis video are single lane, with periodic pull-out spots for those rare cases when there are actually vehicles traveling in both directions at the same time – that's how remote some of these places are.)
Also, because I can't ever go long without pointing out how awesome Orkney Library is, I'd just like to mention that Orkney's mobile library is named "Booky McBookface" and it tweets out which of Orkney's islands it's going to visit each day. E.g.:

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