Monday, July 1, 2013

Thoughts from a College Town

Just a wee observation: There is nothing like a college town to make you feel old – even if you aren't!

From the undergrads earnestly discussing Big Life Topics at the café table next to me, to the realization that the semi-improvised serialized theater show I co-directed my last year of college was already over seven years ago... yikes!

The other thing I really notice when I'm back here is how much I miss learning – just getting to learn things as a full-time occupation. I loved that. I was awfully good at being a college student.

But it's surprising and lovely how many people I still know here, despite it being a college town and the rapid-fire turnover that entails. Yesterday I went to brunch with one friend, and ran into no less than three others. (All of them townies, with the exception of one who's an alum and back for the summer doing theater.) And that's quite aside from former professors, who I've also been running into.

Also? I planted the willow trees you see here. In the summer of 2005, when I had a summer job taking care of the garden and grounds around the environmental studies department. They were saplings then. Now they're taller than the building. Trees are amazing!

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